Car Accident Lawyer
Construction zones are among the leading causes of headaches for motorists despite these sites only forcing minor adjustments to commutes. However, these small changes become significant when not all drivers cooperate with the posted changes, which can cause accidents and further delays. There are at least five tips that can help keep you and others safe during your daily travels through construction zones this summer.
1. Control Your Speed
The most significant thing you can do as a driver is to control your speed. Construction areas typically post adjusted speed limit signs throughout the work zone. The stated changes to the speed limit are there for protecting both you and the workers. Slower speeds provide the opportunity for an increased focus on the periphery, reducing the risk of any potential accidents.
2. Maintain a Safe Distance
In congruence with controlling your speed, maintain a safe distance between you and other motorists. Merging early, when you first notice construction ahead signs, is likely the best way to maintain a safe distance throughout the construction zone, allowing you to pace your movements and interact with other drivers without overcrowding them.
3. Put Down Your Phone
One of the leading causes of car accidents is distracted driving, and it maintains that reputation in construction site accidents. With heavy machinery, workers and other motorists all operating in proximity, it is vital to maintain focus and control. Get rid of any distractions. End phone calls. Turn down the radio. Don’t let a text message or notification cost you or others.
4. Look for Flaggers
Flaggers are people or signs that help guide motorist through a construction site. If a flagger is a physical person, then they typically hold up signs telling you whether to proceed slowly or stop and wait for other traffic. If they are signs, then they usually have flags on them and designate route changes or speed adjustments. Be vigilant when looking for these signs because even missing one can lead to an accident or increased congestion with further delays.
5. Expect the Unexpected
As construction sites or zones are areas of increased traffic, heavy machinery causing some of this, it is crucial that motorists drive through these sites cautiously. Know that with workers, machine operators and other drivers, things can go wrong and result in accidents.
While caution and adherence to the five tips above may help you avoid any potential accidents, no amount of preparation and focus can eliminate risk. Therefore, if you are in an automobile accident while driving through a construction zone, contact an attorney to discuss your options for restitution.