When life seems to be weighing down on you and you think you have nowhere else to turn to for comfort and help, you may be wondering how counseling can help you. Whether it is work problems, family issues, or something else, counseling can provide an outlet for you to safely express your feelings without worrying that you are hurting a relationship or exposing your vulnerabilities to people you cannot trust. Seeking help from a counselor can give you that safe space when you feel like you have nowhere else to turn. If you think counseling may be the right decision for you, read on.
How do counseling sessions work?
Depending on what your needs are, your counseling sessions will be different from the person after you. Each person who walks into a counseling office is a unique individual who carries their own weight and burdens with them, which is why a counselor will tailor their sessions to each person. During a session, you may expect a few things to happen:
- You and your counselor begin building trust so that you can feel comfortable being honest with them.
- You begin talking about feelings, memories, and situations that may push you out of your comfort zone.
- You explore concerns and feelings you have that you may not have expressed.
- Your counselor tries to present different options for finding solutions to your problems.
- Your counselor discusses different techniques used during therapy sessions for finding the root of your concerns.
I’m worried that other people will find out what I say in my counseling sessions. Are these appointments confidential?
Absolutely. When you go to a counseling session, it is not your counselor’s job to talk with other people about your sessions, call your family, or post your information on their website. In fact, your counselor can’t even tell other people that you are meeting with them. In very rare circumstances if a counselor believes that a person is putting their life at risk or someone else’s life at risk, they will notify the proper authorities. Barring this, though, you can expect that your information will remain private and confidential.
What happens during the first counseling session?
When you first step into a counseling session, you can likely expect to talk with your counselor about why you are there in the first place. You may go into some detail about your personal life and your history and you will likely fill out forms for insurance or for health purposes.
Think that counseling, like at Lotus Wellness Center, may be the right option for you? Call to see how a counselor can help.