Wills Lawyer
A will is a document that is taken into consideration regarding all legal matters involved in the way you wish for your children, family, assets, property and more to be distributed and cared for after your death. If you die without a will, your wishes may not be carried out. And your heirs may end up spending more time and money and energy trying to settle your affairs.
The effectiveness of your will can vary depending upon the type of will, and while no document will ever resolve every single issue that may arise after your death, you can rest easier knowing the majority of it is taken care of by your will.
Why Have A Will?
Wills are thought of as just being for those with money, but any good wills lawyer in East Greenwich, RI will tell you that you’re wrong for thinking like that. Especially ones at law firms such as McCarthy Law, LLC where they hope to provide guidance and peace of mind.
If you talk to a wills lawyer in East Greenwich, RI, you will quickly learn that you do not need a complicated estate or money to leave a will for your family. By leaving a will you are clear about who gets what asset, even if it’s just a fancy toaster oven. You can keep your assets out of the hands of estranged relatives or people that you do not want things to go to. You identify who should care for any children who are minors or may require special lifelong care, and without a will the courts will decide—and that may not be what you would have wanted. Furthermore, your heirs will have less fuss around getting access to your assets, and you can plan to save your estate money on taxes by giving gifts to charitable donations.
What Kind Of Will Is Best?
A will that is witnessed and written out, such as a testamentary will, is the best for most cases. However a wills lawyer in East Greenwich, RI can help you pick a will type that is best suited to your needs. A testamentary will is just the most common and familiar type of will, often what people think of when they hear the word “will”. It is where you prepare the document, and later sign it in front of witnesses.
This type of will is revered as the best insurance against successful challenges to your wishes by your family or business associates after your death. You can write it yourself, but it may be better to have a wills lawyer in East Greenwich, RI help you write it so that you have even more insurance against things going wrong or being ignored.
There are other types of wills—and while this list is not exhaustive it is meant to be informative:
- Holographic wills, which are written and signed by the testator but were not witnessed. Such wills are common when people are in life-threatening accidents.
- Oral wills, which is the least recognized as a will, is when the testator speaks their wishes in front of witnesses.