As people get older, they are more likely to develop health problems that prevent them from doing the things they did before. If you elderly loved one is slowing down, you may be unsure of the right thing to do. You may have even considered nursing home care, but are afraid of taking your family member out of their home. Well, you don’t have to do this. Instead, you can hire an in home care nurse to come to your loved one’s home every day and tend to their needs. Here are some signs your loved one needs a home care nurse.
Declining Health
One of the most common signs your loved one may need home care is if you notice their health declining. For example, if your family member’s heart disease has progressed and they can’t remember to take their medications, it may be necessary to hire an in home nurse. This healthcare professional can administer medication to your loved one every day and closely monitor their symptoms.
Unkempt Appearance
If your loved one has been look rather ungroomed lately, it’s a cause for concern. Elderly people with physical ailment may have difficulty brushing their hair, bathing and brushing their teeth. If you hire an in home care nurse, this professional can come and tend to your loved one’s medical needs and assist with grooming.
Frequent Injuries
The occasional bruise or scratch usually isn’t anything to get concerned about. However, if your elderly loved one has been suffering unexplained bruising and abrasions on a frequent basis, it signals an issue. Your family member may not be able to get around the home as easily due to physical impairments, increasing the risk of falls. A home care nurse can look after your loved one and make sure they don’t get hurt.
Poor Nutrition
It’s especially important for elderly people to have good nutrition because it will help them keep up their strength. However, physical impairments prevent many seniors from preparing healthy meals on their own. They may resort to processed boxed meals because they are easier to make. If your loved one has been losing or gaining weight or seems generally weak, their nutrition may not be up to par. If you hire an in home nurse, this professional can help prepare meals for your loved one make sure they are eating healthily.
Personality Changes
It’s important to notice when your elderly loved one is experiencing changes in personality. If your family member has been more irritable and depressed lately, there may be something wrong. A home nurse can provide your loved one with companionship and help improve their mental well-being.
If your loved one is displaying any of these signs, it’s a good idea to looking into hiring a home nurse. You want the very best for your family member and a home care nurse can provide them with the care they deserve.